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Utilization Review-101, Official Course with Nicole Felix RN, Judy Clarke RN and Marie Peppers LPN
Remote Nursing Jobs Course for Utilization Review RN/LPN/LVN/MSW
Let's get you settled into our Facebook group for the UR course - YOU MUST do this - Even if you make up a facebook profile with your cat's photo (21:31)
Mandatory- Good info - Learn more about the Utilization Review course for LPN/LVN & RNs, MSW (60:45)
Mandatory: Welcome message from Marie. A little about why we started this program- Marie says take notes through the course and including all the zoom meeting recordings. (19:09)
Mandatory info - Welcome to your course. Lesson 1 (35:50)
Mandatory - Lesson 2, Step by Step Utilization Review (46:48)
Mandatory info - Lesson 3, Digging into UR (27:47)
Mandatory Quiz Chapter 1 & 2 - You self correct and we do NOT need to see your quiz
TIPs - Download this sheet - YOU may need this
Lesson 4, A Day in the life of a UR nurse - Mandatory (21:21)
Mandatory Quiz, Chapters 3 & 4
Lesson 5 --- YOU Made it!!! PLEASE WATCH - THANKS (6:57)
Mandatory please watch; Meeting 1 JOBS (75:22)
Must watch Zoom meeting from 1/2025 About the Test and Practice Charts - (83:47)
Practice- CASE 1 -- OUR first practice for our UR skills
Practice - Case 2 - Practice on real charts
Practice - Case 3
If you have a question on a Case and you just can't figure it out, post below. ( Please make a good effort first)
Practice - Case 4
Practice - Case 5
Practice - Case 6
Case 7 Last Practice
11/2024 - We check progress: Mandatory before you take the test 95% of them Required -
OPTIONAL - Seminar with Vivien/ REFRESH and Relaxation for Nurses - (59:04)
Mandatory- Some great tips are weaved through, 3/20/21 UR - Guest Nicole, Interview Prep and Resumes ** (116:27)
Mandatory, Please try to watch at least 70% as this had some much needed tips. UR Meeting/NICOLE 1/29/22 (80:28)
Mandatory, Some good tips are weaved through and still need to know. Please watch as most is still needed (74:59)
Mandatory and take notes please. Landing a job, CIGNA, Humana, United Health and more ... (61:24)
Optional - WATCH THIS if you want a job with CENTENE (2024) (73:45)
Mandatory - Some good tips; Teaching on landing jobs with CVS/AETNA (73:39)
NEWS- MUST see 7/7/2024
Mandatory - Resume Help and Interview Prep (2 videos) to watch (102:33)
Mandatory, before you take the test many are required. Also, you may need to show your notes on top tips
Mandatory: 9/23, Yes it is an older video with need to know info CVS and other companies collecting your applications: (95:38)
Mandatory- NEED to know info is weaved into this meeting. Please take good notes on top tips - 10/5/2023 Zoom Meeting- Nicole, Jessica and Rosa help with Job Interviews (78:33)
Optional - ONE of the most POWERFUL places employers will see you! Learn how to SHINE on LinkedIn. Video instruction on marketing yourself (38:16)
Mandatory- So many good tips; Take notes - Want to pass that job interview! ZOOM 11/5 Meeting recording (85:21)
Mandatory - There is much needed info WEAVED into this meeting - please take notes. Thank you 12/7/2023 Zoom Meeting- The teachers talk about Interviewing for Jobs (96:52)
Mandatory - There is much needed info WEAVED into this meeting- Please take notes on top tips 1/4/2024 Zoom Video with Nicole, Jessica and Diana, teachers (69:02)
Mandatory, Many TIPs YOU still need; 3/10/2024 ZOOM Meeting - MUST Watch- Loaded with NEED to know! (89:35)
5/15/24 - Mandatory if you want to land a job ! ZOOM Meeting - Marie Interviews a Hospital Utilization Review Nurse (64:36)
Mandatory - New and Old info Mixed into this NEED to Know meeting - 6/18/24 - What Feedback have Employers given Marie recently??? (94:45)
Mandatory - Don't miss this one! Zoom Meeting 7/10/24 THIS is packed with great info and advice. (102:49)
Zoom Meeting 10/10/24 Mandatory - What questions will CVS, UHC, OPTUM, Humana, and other Employers ask me on an interview... MARIE knows and shares (98:52)
Copy of Must watch Zoom meeting from 1/2025 About the Test and Practice Charts - (83:47)
Optional- Good stuff! Need to know answers for your interviews! PDF download
Optional - HOW to Search for jobs at Centene- They have a Remote Box - not noted in the video - TIPs on how to read the jobs (73:45)
Marie's New Teaching video on Linkedln Jobs - TIPs and TRICKS to get ahead of the others - March 2025 (100:48)
Employer Questions - Yes, let's talk about the more difficult ones! Must Watch - March 2025 (86:16)
TEST - Do Not do this TEST until you watched all the videos above and do the work
We offer you a Certificate of completion, what does this mean?
Final Test followed by Certificate
Mandatory - EXCLUSIVE JOBS Group by Marie
Mandatory - Some good tips; Teaching on landing jobs with CVS/AETNA
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